Potato demo day 2018

DATE: 22-08-2018
Every two years, Wageningen University & Research, location Westmaas and the Dutch Potato Organization (NAO) organize the Potato Demo Day. The Potato Demo Day is the meeting place of the potato sector and focuses on the entire potato chain. Growers, traders, processors and many other companies that are active in the potato sector at home and abroad come to the Potato Demo Day in Westmaas to meet and inform each other about the latest developments.
On Wednesday, August 22, 2018, a big show was again held with demonstrations, a business market, a mechanization park, lectures and various other activities. Parking and admission are free. The last edition was visited by around 8,000 people. The growth of the event in the number of visitors and exhibitors and the variation in participants have given the event a permanent place in the sector.