Biggest rotary riging cultivator
For APH Group build manufacturer Baselier some very broad Rotary ridging cultivators and says they have the biggest in the world. The machine cultivate eight rows of 90 cm broad and is special made for the export market. The Rotary ridging cultivator has a working width of 7,3 meter and can be used for both Full width rotary cultivators, as making ridges of eight 90 cm broad. For transport on the road the cultivator folding up vertical into 2 parts. APH Group exports the machines to North Africa and Russia. RIDGING HOOD FOR KUHN ROTOR HARROW. Also designs Baselier a special ridging hood, fitting on Kuhn rotor harrows. These pulled small ridges before planting, whereby the tractor tyre no longer drives on the loose ground. This gives an uniformed planting depth what gives some benefits in harvesting. Also gives better builded ridges.